April 2021

Many thanks to all who attended the recent Community SDG Dashboard ‘Have Your Say’ webinar, run by Dundrum 2030 UCD.

As a follow-up to the webinar, one of our presenters, Cynthia O’Mahony from UCD, has passed on the below details of a cycling survey which she mentioned in her presentation. 

Please consider partaking in this if you can and thanks again for your valuable contributions to making Dundrum a great and sustainable place to live, work and play!

Cycling Survey

I am a student in my final year of a Masters in Environmental Sustainability at UCD and am currently working on my thesis project. The primary aim of my thesis is to evaluate the development of cycling in the Dublin area and make a case for how the development of cycling infrastructure can contribute to a range of Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) targets. In addition, my research hopes to determine a suitable indicator for cycling which communities can use to monitor and evaluate their own progress towards the SDGs. My thesis is linked with the Dundrum 2030 initiative as I am using Dundrum as a local case study.

As part of my thesis, I have created a survey to gain an understanding of travel patterns and insights into which factors influence an individual’s decision to travel by bicycle. The survey also aims to identify which measures would encourage an individual to start or increase their level of cycling. The closing date for receiving responses is April 15th.

I would like to hear from anyone over the age of 18 who lives or works in the Dundrum area. They do not have to be a person who cycles.

Here is the link to the survey https://arcg.is/0uHuj1.